Monday, 4 May 2015


Integrity comes from unity and honesty. It means a person has some code of ethics according these ethics person being loyal to himself and do the good things either anyone see him or not. Integrity and honesty are the two words which have different meaning in some extent. Integrity means a person who have some moral values according to these moral ethics he is doing right things in an effective way. Integrity means a code of honor which prevents you to do some specific tasks that are not good in the favor of humanity. 

Oprah Winfrey says:
“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.”

Whereas honesty means always you speak the truth either you are doing good or the bad things. In general the word honesty means a person never tells a lie. Taylor Lautner says about honesty:

Honesty and loyalty are keys. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that's probably the biggest key to success.

The difference between honesty and integrity will be clear from the below examples.
The example of integrity in the daily life you can apply the integrity when you will go to the shop and if he returns back too much money then you must have to inform him that you gave me too much change. And you can also explain honesty with the help of example if I have reference for a job which hurts someone else. When a person ask me, that did you have reference then I am honest and say yes.

When you have the quality of integrity it means what are the conditions either good or bad but person always true to yourself. He will not do anything bad which dishonors him. Either no one is monitoring him.

Political Integrity

Integrity is also important factor in the field of politics because politicians are elected from different regions to serve the society. When a politician elected from their own region then he has more responsibilities such as control policies, to execute the best decisions. Politician has the ability to influence someone. However, they have power either they will serve nation or not. When a politician is elected from a region then he must have requires integrity. Muel Kaptein describes in his book “Servant of the People” that politicians must know about their rights and responsibilities because when the word integrity comes then it means a person have knowledge and responsible in their actions and behavior.

Integrity not comprises on just moral values which are accepted, but mainly it consists of the ethical behavior of the politicians what they are doing they must have the reasonable arguments. The good politicians have the quality of faithfulness and accountability. Specially, they should have the qualities of a role model which are authentic in front of everyone.

Paulo Coelho says about politics:
“Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbor is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.”

Sunday, 3 May 2015


Diplomacy exists in the world with the beginning of the human beings. “Diploma tie” is a French word which means behaving in a good way with other people like negotiating with other person in an effective way.  Diplomacy concerns with positive behavior of the people towards others. The meaning of diplomacy is that it is a good behavior of people to negotiate about relationships and agreement between two different groups of people in an effective way.

If a person have the diplomacy skills, they can get argue on small issues to cooperate with others. It is a skill to deal with people without threatening them.

Robin Hobb says about diplomacy,
“Diplomacy is the velvet glove that cloaks the fist of power.”

A good Pakistani who has the skills of diplomacy can win the heart of other people. Now a day’s, Pakistan has need to require skills through which people can tolerate other’s problems. When a person use the word of diplomacy it means people want to strong their relationships with other parties. These behaviors of people remove the communication gap between the countries in result international relationship between countries will be strong. Diplomacy develops the good relationships between different nations.  Therefore, increase the harmony and brotherhood between the nations. Diplomacy is way through which we can promote the fields of cultural and economical relationships between the countries.

Sir Harold Nicolson who was an English Diplomat born in Tehran, Persia, states that:
“Diplomacy is neither the invention nor the pastime of some particular political system, but is an essential element in any reasonable relation between man and man and between nation and nation” (Nicolson 4).

The functions of diplomacy are represents their own country in another country and protect the rights and interest of the citizens their own country. In diplomacy the people of home country negotiate with other country. They report and control the conditions of developments like economical and cultural. Diplomacy functions involves in by issue visas and passport also.